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- the art of patience & staying the course
the art of patience & staying the course
Mind Club is a newsletter that helps you thrive in the modern world.
Happy September! It still feels like summer where I am, but fall is starting soon and I couldn’t be more excited about it 🎃 🍂.
Last month, I pushed myself to be more productive in the mornings. The game-changer? I start my day with intentional movement. It was tough initially, but I established the habit and saw a spike in my energy levels. Now, I’m up for a new challenge.
I’ll be creating and sharing more content with you. Find me on Instagram for insights on wellness and money mindfulness practices. See you there! 😌
Here’s some food for your mind this week⚡️
Staying the Course
Whether you’ve started a new business, taken up a hobby, or begun a routine, you’re likely familiar with the ~messy middle~.
A few weeks or months into a project the excitement has worn off, and now you’re doing the work to bring your vision to life.
While the beginning and end of the journey are clearly defined, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the middle phase. It’s volatile and it can be hard to keep going, but this is where the most important work happens.
Even the biggest companies today have faced uncertain times. Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy in 1997, until Steve Jobs returned and Microsoft provided a $150 million investment. Today, Apple is the world’s first $3 trillion company.
It might seem like some companies or people have been successful from the start, but that’s far from the truth. Knowing that things can get messy can help you prepare for the journey ahead.
💡 4 Tips for Navigating the Messy Middle
🌟 Define your North Star. Be clear about the purpose behind your goals. It’s hard to get through the middle part if you haven’t clarified your ‘why’.
🏆 Set your own milestones. In his book, The Messy Middle, Scott Belsky mentions “short-circuiting” your reward system as a way to stay engaged. Progress is a source of motivation, so establish checkpoints along the way.
🫶 Stay consistent. Transformative moments happen as a result of consistency and trial and error. Keep trying. The path forward won’t always be clear and can take a lot of time.
👋 Seek feedback. If you get stuck, find someone with expertise who can give you a different perspective. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
🎨 The Art of Patience
In the 1960s, psychologists conducted a study on delayed gratification called the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment. Kids were placed in a room and given a choice: they could either eat the marshmallow immediately or wait a little longer for a promised reward of two marshmallows.
Kids who waited for the second marshmallow tended to do better in life. It wasn't just willpower that helped them. They kept busy and knew staring at the first marshmallow would lead to impatience.
So, how do you think you would do in the marshmallow test?
In real life, the marshmallow test has significant rewards and consequences.
Giving in to every impulse can prevent you from reaching your financial goals. It can even set you back if you frequently overspend or have a habit of impulse buying.
Early in my personal finance journey, I struggled with keeping money. I wasn’t seeing much growth in my portfolio, so it was hard for me to invest and save. Instead, I’d splurge on clothes, dining out, and experiences. Those aren’t bad expenses, but I was putting too much towards immediate enjoyment and not enough towards my future.
It’s all about finding the right balance. Delayed gratification doesn’t mean restricting yourself.
Here are some tips that have helped me improve my relationship with money:
✨ 4 Ways to Transform Impulses into Intentions
📝 Set money guidelines. Write down principles that align with your money values. Define your needs and wants. Prioritize what matters to you the most.
🥕Check your content diet. Reduce exposure to content that constantly influences you to buy things.
🪐 Create space. One-click checkouts and Buy Now, Pay Later plans make it easy to get what you want. Emotions often drive the urge to spend, so take a moment before you check out. Creating space can look like waiting a few hours or days before you make the purchase.
🤖 Automate Investing. Prioritize putting aside money by setting up recurring investments. Consider a recurring investment as another bill you pay every month. But instead of paying a company, you’re paying your future self.
Remember that delayed gratification is something you can get better at. Start small and stay consistent. Do you have any other tips that work for you? Hit reply and let me know :)
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this newsletter are for informational and recreational purposes only. Nothing contained in this newsletter should be construed as investment advice.
That’s all for now. Want to chat about any part of this newsletter? Reply to this email and let me know what’s on your mind. ᵕ̈
Til next time,